Plastic out. Profits in.

At AWAVE we believe that sustainability is no longer enough.
We need to reverse the damage, not just live with it.
That's why we take plastic out of the environment to make our clothing and put all of our profits back in to ocean clean-up charities.

*We commit to giving 100% of profits to ocean clean-up charities for at least 2 years after our launch.


Who we are

We are two young lads from Dublin, Stephen & Eric.
On a mission to make the most comfortable and sustainable gear you can get, we realised sustainability wasn't nearly enough.
We wanted our clothing, and the business around it, to be regenerative.
We wanted to start a wave of change in the industry.
And so AWAVE was born.

What we do

We want people who want to feel good in our clothes.
We also want them to feel good about how they are made, and where they came from. We are about moving beyond sustainability to being a regenerative brand, and we only work with people who align with that.

All of our suppliers of cloth hold the following accreditations:

We care about the people who make our products.
We have close relationships with the factories that make our clothes, and we ensured their employees are being treated and paid fairly.

Our packaging is made of all eco-friendly alternatives.
Including Plant based bio-plastics, printed with water/soy-based inks, responsibly-sourced, compostable recycled paper and cardboard.
Any string used is hemp based. Our mailer-bags and zip-lock bags are made from reusable or compostable corn starch.

Why we do it

Every minute that passes, a million plastic bottles are sold.
Most end up in landfills, incinerators and worst of all, in our oceans.
Each AWAVE garment takes plastic out of circulation and puts profits back into cleaning our oceans.

It won't fix the problem, but it will show the way, and
be part of a change we all want to see.

To save our future, we need a wave of change
- massive change that starts with us.
